The statement outlines the company’s actions to achieve fair, ethical and proper social, environmental and governance practices to combat modern slavery.
Modern slavery can take many forms of exploitation from forced labour to unlawful acts.
Transdev Australia and New Zealand CEO Brian Brennan said Transdev was committed to upholding human rights.
“Transdev does business in an ethical way through our people and our suppliers,” Mr Brennan said.
“We want all people and the communities we work with, directly or via our partners, to maintain their freedom, rights and dignity.”
A rigorous Transdev risk assessment found no specific instances of modern slavery. However, areas at greater risk in supply chains included: cleaning, security, uniform production and bus manufacturing.
Transdev’s Chief Legal and Commercial Officer and Country Ethics and Compliance Officer, Nathan Lanthois, said the continued publication of the statement was a key milestone in achieving positive change.
Transdev has additional controls to reduce modern slavery risks, including:
- A supplier charter to commit suppliers to sound, ethical practice
- Model contract clauses that protect workers & communities
- Ethics and compliance management system which protects human rights, transparency and application of local laws
- New Procurement Framework
- Internal modern slavery and whistleblower awareness campaigns
- Range of robust policies and procedures including code of conduct, Group Code of Ethics, Business Ethical Guidelines Policy, Group Human Rights policy.
Transdev also has work underway on a new supplier induction process, supplier audits, increased training and awareness on its ethics and compliance system and its Whistleblower Platform.
You can view Transdev’s third annual Modern Slavery Statement here.